Grade 5 Performance Tasks

Students will be asked to solve constructed response questions involving multiplication of fractions and whole numbers. Students will also write a letter that explains mathematically how many cookies a boy will be bringing to the bake sale.

Source: CORE, California Education Partners (CAED)

Students will be asked to solve constructed response questions involving multiplication and division of whole numbers and/or fractions in part one of the task. Students will also critique a student work sample and explain why the problem was solved incorrectly.

Source: CORE, California Education Partners (CAED)

Students must add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators. Students will also estimate whether or not John has enough gas to reach a destination and explain their reasoning. Lastly, students will decide how to divide their time (represented as fractions) between the different attractions at Disneyland.

Source: CORE, California Education Partners (CAED)

Students will solve a series of problems regarding supplies needed for classrooms using the four operations with whole numbers and decimals to hundredths. They will then be asked to look at two ads for local stores and advise the principal of the best way/place to purchase the supplies.

Source: CORE, California Education Partners (CAED)

Students will be asked to expand upon number patterns, graph points on a coordinate plane, compare and analyze data, and draw conclusions.

Source: CORE, California Education Partners (CAED)

Students will be asked to solve some constructed response questions involving division of unit fractions and whole numbers. Students will also write a letter that explains mathematically why purchasing one snack product is more economical than the purchasing the other.

Source: CORE, California Education Partners (CAED)